To start accepting credit card payments, you will need to sign up for an account with Stripe. Have your ABN, TFN and bank details handy.
Once you've got a stripe account, follow the below steps to link your Stripe account to Bizzly.
Once you've got a stripe account, follow the below steps to link your Stripe account to Bizzly.
- From your Bizzly dashboard side menu, click Settings and then click Payment options.
- Click the Connect with Stripe button.
- Login to Stripe on the new window that pops up.
- Your Stripe account will now be linked to your Bizzly business.
Things to check
- Ensure you've provided bank details to be paid out to and a payout schedule is set
- Check for any outstanding validation or confirmation instructions from Stripe
- 1.75% + A$0.30 for domestic cards
- 2.9% + A$0.30 for international cards